12 Translations

How do you say Will You Marry Me in French?

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How can I say will you marry me in French?

The correct way to say will you marry me in French is – Veux-tu m'épouser.

How to use Will you marry me in a sentence:

  • Will you marry me? You can see will you marry me fail videos all over the internet.
  • Veux-tu m'épouser? Vous pouvez voir veux-tu m'épouser fail vidéos partout dans l'internet. (French translation)
  • So please grant me the honor as I ask you my dear, will you marry me?
  • Alors veuillez m'octroyer l'honneur que je vous demande de ma chère, veux-tu m'épouser ? (French translation)
  • Will you marry me, to have and to hold, til death do us part? Please enjoy me for the rest of your life.
  • Veux-tu m'épouser, d'avoir et de tenir, til death do us part ? Veuillez me profiter pour le reste de votre vie. (French translation)

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Ok, that's how you say will you marry me in French. I just learned to read and write French so those may not be the best examples. Hope I got it right. Can you say 'will you marry me' some other way? You can add your own examples below, and rate others.

12 Translations

  1. Donald D on May 07, 2011 Reply

    I saw a note that read: “will you marry me” I think it was French.

    My mom is french, and my dad asked her to marry him in french.  Your translation is bang on right.

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  2. David Duran on May 07, 2011 Reply

    Appears like you've got the right idea for translating will you marry me into French.

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  3. MarySchmidt on May 07, 2011 Reply

    Many thanks for the translation – I just came back from France, and I kept forgetting how to say will you marry me.

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  4. Donald Mello on May 08, 2011 Reply

    You're some what right, will you marry me in French is usually Veux-tu m'épouser.
    Here is an example:
    'Vous êtes tellement belle, et je ne peux pas vivre sans toi. Je veux passer le reste de ma vie avec vous. Veux-tu m'épouser?'

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  5. Carlos on May 10, 2011 Reply

    Geez people, I bet there is a better way to say will you marry me in French..

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  6. Nicholas on May 10, 2011 Reply

    will you marry me in French is Veux-tu m'épouser. I ran into a girl from France and wanted to marry her.

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  7. Kenny on May 11, 2011 Reply

    i found one other example sentence:
    'The question every girl wants to hear is, will you marry me?

    "La question que toutes les filles veulent entendre est, veux-tu m'epoouser?

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  8. Kathryn Swider on May 12, 2011 Reply

    Beats me.. i never took French

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  9. Alexander on Sep 08, 2011 Reply

    Answer already given above.
    But for the response, you want to hear ‘OUI’ and not ‘NON’

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  10. Edison Jeton on Oct 01, 2012 Reply

    thirty one

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  11. The Biglad on Dec 08, 2012 Reply

    Seriez-vous m’épouser?

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  12. Edy Priyambodo on May 24, 2014 Reply

    veux-tu m’épouser ?

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