16 Translations

How do you say Will You Marry Me in Chinese?

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How do you Translate will you marry me into Chinese

will you marry me in Chinese is usually translated to; 你能 跟我结婚吗.

How to use Will you marry me in a sentence:

  • Men need to hurry up and ask the big question, "Will you marry me?"
  • 男人要赶快和大问,"你会娶我吗?" (Chinese translation)

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16 Translations

  1. mike on May 16, 2011 Reply

    Hi i just came across your samples for translating will you marry me into Chinese and thought i could offer one of my own:
    Will you marry me? Will you marry me is the biggest question a girl can answer.
    你能 跟我结婚吗?您可以看到你嫁给我失败都通过互联网的视频。“.

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  2. Michael Constant on May 16, 2011 Reply

    I just asked my dad who speaks Chinese. The easiest way to say it is – “你能 跟我结婚吗”.

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  3. Robert Haydon on May 18, 2011 Reply

    Here’s an example I found.

    translated from Engilsh: My wife is from Denmark, so I learned how to ask will you marry me in Danish.

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  4. Jenn on May 19, 2011 Reply

    I phoned a lady from China, and she confirmed this is how you say will you marry me in Chinese 你能 跟我结婚吗.

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  5. Donald D on May 20, 2011 Reply

    You are correct, will you marry me in Chinese is 你能 跟我结婚吗.
    Here is an example:
    你是如此美丽,离不开你。我想你在我生命的一生。你能 跟我结婚吗?

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  6. Richard Delucia on May 20, 2011 Reply

    Uncover this translation for ‘你能 跟我结婚吗’ –
    它是后大量的前期策划与准备的男友会问女朋友,你愿意嫁给我吗 ?I think this mean “will you marry me in Chinese”

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  7. Sandra on May 23, 2011 Reply

    The online translator says will you marry me in Chinese is 你能 跟我结婚吗. I think you’re right. “

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  8. Kathryn Swider on May 24, 2011 Reply

    I took a random English sentence and translated it into Chinese.
    Will you marry me, to have and to hold, til death do us part? Please enjoy me for the rest of your life.


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  9. Donald Mello on May 26, 2011 Reply

    Thank you for all the translations of will you marry me in Chinese.

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  10. Robert Haydon on May 26, 2011 Reply

    The Chinese way to say will you marry me is: 很多首歌的歌词包括这句话,”你会娶我吗?”

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  11. heartsoft on Oct 01, 2011 Reply

    Hello everyone, I am a Chinese local, please see my answer for your reference:

    –> used by man: 你愿意嫁给我吗?(嫁 pronounced as “jia” in Pinyin notation)
    –> used by woman: 你愿意娶我吗?(娶 pronounced as “qu” Pinyin notation)

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  12. Caleb on Aug 03, 2012 Reply

    I’m learning Chinese and have asked quite a few Chinese people about this and this is how you say it:

    simplified characters: 你愿意嫁给我吗?

    pinyin: ni yuanyi jia gei wo ma?

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  13. Mackenzie Nellis on Sep 25, 2012 Reply

    I’ve actually said it. You can say it like, “嫁给我吧。” In Hanyu Pinyin it’s, “Jià gěi wǒ ba.” Maybe this way is a little direct, but it’s more romantic and personal. The other kind of sound like you’re asking the lady if she has any other marital engagements presently. It could maybe be construed as odd, or too formal. Anyway, my fiancée didn’t complain. I also like, “你愿意嫁给我吗?” Maybe it I knew this sentence at the time I’d have said that. Anyway, didn’t matter, the ring and the gesture did most of the talking for me.

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  14. Albert Yeo on May 10, 2013 Reply

    I’ve seen the earlier answers… some are correct, while others are quite off-track.

    The literal translations for everyone’s benefit:

    Will you marry me? 你能跟我结婚吗?(Ni Neng Gen Wo Jie Hun Ma?) Literally means “Can You Marry (or be in a marriage with) Me?

    Marry me. 嫁给我。(Jia Gei Wo.) Literally is a statement (hence may/may not come with a question mark) that doubles as a question. 吧 (Ba) just accentuates the sentence.

    Are you willing to marry me? 你愿意嫁给我吗?(Ni Yuan Yi Jia Gei Wo Ma?) For men, marrying a woman in Chinese is to 娶 (Qu) i.e. “Take” a wife. Whereas for a woman, to marry is to 嫁 (Jia) i.e. “To marry” (as in “to Entrust” oneself… hence the 给 (gei) which means to “give” follows after the word).
    Hence, a man may ask a woman, “你愿意嫁给我吗?”
    Whereas when a woman asks a man if he’s willing to marry her, “你愿意娶我吗?”

    Are you going to marry me? 你会娶我吗?(Ni Hui Qu Wo Ma?) this can only be used/asked by a woman… usually in a “tricky” situation when the woman needs the assurance. So, although it’s similar to “Will you marry me?” (like before she consents to have a deeper “ahem” relationship with a guy), it’s really not a proposal question.

    Marry me/ Be in a marriage with me. Literally in Chinese means “跟我结婚” (Gen Wo Jie Hun) is a textbook way of saying marriage. 跟 “Gen” is to follow/ with. 我 “Wo” means “me”. 结婚 “Jie Hun” is marriage.

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  15. Edy Priyambodo on May 24, 2014 Reply

    Nǐ yuànyì hé wǒ jiéhūn ma?

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  16. 沅 劉 on May 06, 2019 Reply

    man asking: 嫁給我好嗎?
    woman asking: 你要娶我嗎?
    In the Chinese language, it is more comm to use a different word for ‘marry’ for man marries woman and woman man. For same sex marriage, it is probably more appropriate to use the neutral term 結婚, which is what the above example uses.

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