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How do you say Will You Marry Me in Danish?

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What is the Danish Translation for will you marry me?

will you marry me converted to Danish is… "Vil du gifte dig med mig". The best way to remember it is to use it in a sentence.

How to use Will you marry me in a sentence:

  • The question every girl wants to hear is, will you marry me?
  • Spørgsmålet hver pige ønsker at høre er, vil du gifte dig med mig? (Danish translation)
  • Men need to hurry up and ask the big question, "Will you marry me?"
  • Mænd skal Skynd og bede det store spørgsmål, "Vil du med mig?" (Danish translation)
  • Will you marry me? You can see will you marry me fail videos all over the internet.
  • Vil du gifte dig med mig? Du kan se, vil du marry me mislykkes videoer over internettet. (Danish translation)
  • My wife is from Denmark, so I learned how to ask will you marry me in Danish.
  • Min kone er fra Danmark, så jeg lærte at bede vil du marry me i dansk. (Danish translation)
  • Many song lyrics include the phrase, "Will you marry me?"
  • Mange sangtekster omfatter udtrykket, "Vil du med mig?" (Danish translation)
  • So please grant me the honor as I ask you my dear, will you marry me?
  • Så venligst give mig ære, som jeg beder, kære, vil du med mig? (Danish translation)
  • It is after a significant amount of planning and preparation that the boyfriend will ask the girlfriend, will you marry me?
  • Det er efter en betydelig mængde af planlægning og forberedelse at kæreste vil bede kæreste, vil du med mig? (Danish translation)
  • Get down on knee with a single rose clenched between your teeth, and an engagement ring in your hand, and ask the big question, will you marry me?
  • Hent på knæ med en enkelt rose knytnæve mellem tænderne, og et engagement ring i hånden, og spørge det store spørgsmål, vil du med mig? (Danish translation)
  • Will you marry me, to have and to hold, til death do us part? Please enjoy me for the rest of your life.
  • Vil du marry me, og at holde, til death gøre os del? Venligst nyde mig for resten af dit liv. (Danish translation)
  • You are so beautiful and I can't live without you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?
  • Du er så smukke og bor ikke uden dig. Jeg ønsker at tilbringe resten af mit liv med dig. Vil du gifte dig med mig? (Danish translation)
  • (Danish translation)

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