1 Translations

How do you say awesome in Spanish?

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How do you say awesome is Spanish?

How to use Awesome in a sentence:

  • If you want to be awesome, you have to do awesome stuff.
  • Si desea ser impresionante, tienes que hacer cosas impresionante. (Spanish translation)
  • What are 3 awesome destinations in Africa?
  • ¿Cuáles son tres destinos impresionantes en África? (Spanish translation)
  • I am awesome!
  • Estoy impresionante! (Spanish translation)
  • The circus performers were awesome, they did so many tricks.
  • Los artistas de circo impresionantes, lo hicieron tantos trucos. (Spanish translation)

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1 Translations

  1. Dulce Oliva on Dec 21, 2012 Reply

    Awesome means: asombroso or impresionante.

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