4 Translations

How do you say Awesome in Greek?

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What is the Greek Translation for awesome?

Awesome converted to Greek is; Τρομερό. Here are some sentences using Τρομερό.

How to use Awesome in a sentence:

  • If you want to be awesome, you have to do awesome stuff.
  • Εάν θέλετε να είναι φοβερό, που έχετε να κάνετε awesome stuff. (Greek translation)

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4 Translations

  1. Jenn on Apr 29, 2011 Reply

    My translation book for Greek says awesome is Τρομερό in Greek.. I think you're right. Example:'Τι είναι τα 3 awesome προορισμούς στην Αφρική;'

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  2. Cheryl on May 01, 2011 Reply

    'Τρομερό' is the Greek way to say it. So for example you'd get Είμαι awesome! from 'I am awesome!'

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  3. Kristi on May 05, 2011 Reply

    Appears like Babelfish has the right idea for translating awesome into Greek.

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  4. Carlos on May 06, 2011 Reply

    Last I checked i never took Greek, sorry guys im better when it comes with other languages

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