3 Translations

How do you say Awesome in Italian?

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How do you Translate awesome into Italian

'Awesome' in Italian is translated as… impressionante.

How to use Awesome in a sentence:

  • What are 3 awesome destinations in Africa?
  • Che cosa sono 3 impressionante destinazioni in Africa? (Italian translation)
  • I am awesome!
  • Sono impressionante! (Italian translation)
  • The concert was awesome, you would not believe what happened.
  • Il concerto è stato impressionante, non si creda di ciò che è accaduto. (Italian translation)

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3 Translations

  1. Cheryl on May 19, 2011 Reply

    Hey everyone, I bet there is a better way to say Awesome in Italian. Can someone who speaks Italian post another example?

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  2. Carlos on May 24, 2011 Reply

    I cant guess.. i flunked Italian but impressionante looks right to me….

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  3. Corrado on Dec 14, 2011 Reply

    Figo (student slang)

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