2 Translations

How do you say You Are Welcome in French?

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How do you Translate you are welcome into French

you are welcome in French is usually translated to: 'vous êtes les bienvenus'.

How to use You are welcome in a sentence:

  • If you have concerns about our solutions or solutions you are welcome to speak to us.
  • Si vous avez des préoccupations au sujet de nos solutions ou des solutions, nous vous invitons à nous en parler. (French translation)
  • You are welcome to peruse these webpages to get a sense of who we are.
  • Nous vous invitons à lire attentivement ces pages Web pour obtenir un sentiment de qui nous sommes. (French translation)
  • You are welcome, Mam.
  • Vous êtes les bienvenus, Mam. (French translation)
  • Then I told him, you are welcome.
  • Puis je lui ai dit, que vous êtes les bienvenus. (French translation)

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2 Translations

  1. Kathryn Swider on May 05, 2011 Reply

    Hey everyone, I bet there is another way to say you are welcome in French, but this is the way i learned it at home. Can some French speaking users confirm that?

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  2. rparks on May 10, 2011 Reply

    I am traveling on vacation shortly. I think this might come in handy.

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