7 Translations

How do you say You Are Welcome in Japanese?

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How to pronounce you are welcome in Japanese

The way to write you are welcome in Japanese is: "あなたを歓迎します". Next we'll look at how this word can be used in a sentence.

How to use You are welcome in a sentence:

  • If you have concerns about our solutions or solutions you are welcome to speak to us.
  • 当社のソリューションまたはソリューションの懸念がある場合は、私たちに話すことを歓迎です。 (Japanese translation)
  • You are welcome to stay a while longer.
  • あなたは、もうしばらくご滞在を歓迎です。 (Japanese translation)

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7 Translations

  1. Chelsea on May 02, 2011 Reply

    I talked to my dad who speaks Japanese. It's.. あなたを歓迎します.

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  2. Jenn on May 02, 2011 Reply

    Thanks Chelsea!

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  3. Cheryl on May 07, 2011 Reply

    I asked this guy from Japan, and he confirmed ‘you are welcome’ in Japanese is どういたしまして.

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  4. Edward on May 08, 2011 Reply

    A lot of thanks for the translations of you are welcome in Japanese.

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  5. Nicholas on May 09, 2011 Reply

    The website is right, you are welcome in Japanese will usually be あなたを歓迎します.
    Here's an example:
    'あなたは私たちの感覚を得るにこれらの web ページを閲覧するには歓迎です。'

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  6. Fumi Eakins on Nov 09, 2012 Reply

    Ⅰ’m Japanese. ”You are welcome” in response to “thank you” is どういたしまして。

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