4 Translations

How do you say Dating in Chinese?

Asked by: 14383 views ,

How can I say dating in Chinese?

The right way to say dating in Chinese is “约会”.

How to use Dating in a sentence:

  • Get to know about singles in your dating community.
  • 要了解在您的网上交友单身。 (Chinese translation)
  • Dating can be difficult and time consuming.
  • 约会,可以非常困难和耗时。 (Chinese translation)

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4 Translations

  1. Johan on May 01, 2011 Reply

    dating in Chinese is 约会. You can thank me later on!

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  2. Kathryn Swider on May 02, 2011 Reply

    Thought i would add my translation, it could be a little bit different than what the site said but i think its adequate. I took a random English sentence and translated it.
    Whats the best dating directory of common Matchmakers and Jewish Matchmakers?


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  3. jamess on May 07, 2011 Reply

    Hey everyone, I think there are other ways to say dating, but this is the way i learned it at home. Can someone who speaks Chinese please post another example?

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  4. Cheryl on May 07, 2011 Reply

    Just for fun i tried some translation software to rewrite this sentence in Chinese:
    And that it in a nutshell when it comes to dating, keep things simple.


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