1 Translations

How do you say Thank You in Portuguese?

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How do you Translate thank you in Portuguese?

We hear from a lot of readers having trouble with this. thank you in Portuguese is translated as; Obrigado.

How to use Thank you in a sentence:

  • Show your appreciation to your friends with a thank you card.
  • Mostra o seu apreço aos seus amigos com um cartão de agradecimento. (Portuguese translation)
  • Just wanted to say thank you mom for giving me back my favorite stuffed animal.
  • Só queria dizer obrigado mãe por me dar volta meu animal enchido favorito. (Portuguese translation)
  • Thank you to our important sponsors.
  • Obrigado aos nossos patrocinadores importantes. (Portuguese translation)
  • Also a large thank you to a couple of others that have helped me along the way.
  • Também um grande obrigado a um par de outras pessoas que me ajudaram ao longo do caminho. (Portuguese translation)
  • Thank you for all your very difficult work this year.
  • Obrigado por todo seu trabalho muito difícil este ano. (Portuguese translation)
  • Our thank you flowers and gifts will get started in saying thank you.
  • Nosso obrigado flores e presentes vão começar em dizer muito obrigado. (Portuguese translation)

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Ok, so there you go. Those translations should get you started. Im actually still learning the language, so these exercises are really helping me. How am I doing? Is Obrigado the correct way to say thank you? If you see a mistake please give me a thumbs down and post a new example.

1 Translations

  1. ana on Jul 09, 2011 Reply

    These “How to use thank you in a sentence” are innacurate.

    Thank you is “obrigado”. If you are a girl, you say “obrigada”. that is because of the origins of the phrase, but people will understand you anyways if you are a woman and say “obrigado”. Even Portuguese speakers say it wrong sometimes, in daily speak. Sometimes we say (and write in the internet) “brigado”/”brigada”, that’s just like thx, you don’t write it down if you’re being formal.
    Thank you very much = “muito obrigado” or “muito obrigada”.

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