7 Translations

How do you say Miss You in Portuguese?

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How should you say miss you in Portuguese?

miss you written in Portuguese is ‘Ter saudades tuas’. Next, let’s look at some sentences containing it.

How to use Miss you in a sentence:

  • Then I realized that it was my heart telling me that I miss you.
  • Então eu percebi que era meu coração me dizendo que sinto saudades de você. (Portuguese translation)
  • I miss you when you are not around.
  • Sinto saudades de você quando você não está ao redor. (Portuguese translation)
  • Will I miss you when you are gone?
  • Será sinto saudades de você quando você sumiram? (Portuguese translation)

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7 Translations

  1. Kenneth on May 08, 2011 Reply

    I found a note down at the library that says: I miss you mom depois mudei-me fora de casa. Could be Portuguese. Anyone know what it says?

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    • Ana on Jul 09, 2011 Reply

      Kenneth, it is Portuguese after the first four words in English. Don’t know why someone would write a note in two languages like that. Even the Portuguese bit is not regular, like some words are missing. Are you sure you didn’t miss some words, like “que” and “para”? It says: “after I moved from home”. depois que mudei-me para fora de casa.
      That “mudei-me” part is, well, if you’re Portuguese, it’s normal. Where in the globe are you?

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  2. rparks on May 13, 2011 Reply

    miss you in Portuguese is Ter saudades tuas. See now was that so tough?

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  3. David Duran on May 15, 2011 Reply

    You are right, miss you in Portuguese will normally be Ter saudades tuas.
    Here is an example:
    Eu preciso de você para saber que eu me importo e sinto saudades de você.

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  4. Ana on Jul 09, 2011 Reply

    “Will I miss you when you are gone? =/= Será sinto saudades de você quando você sumiram?”
    Automatic translation fail here. Portuguese would be: “Será que sentirei saudades tuas quando tu fores?”
    The main issue here is “you” can be 2nd person “tu” (common in Portugal) or 3rd person “você” (common in Brazil). I’m more familiar with “você”, since I’m Brazilian.
    With “você” that sentence would be: “Será que sentirei saudades suas quando você se for?”
    You can also choose between “sentirei” and “vou sentir”, little formality difference. You can add “eu” before “sentirei”, too, that’s optional. “Eu” is the pronoun, “I”, it can be cut out in Portuguese because the way the verb is hints who is the pronoun.

    Something else, sorry for the big post, “miss you” can also be “sentir sua falta”. So:
    I miss you = (eu) sinto sua falta [that’s with “você”]
    In Portuguese there is a noun for the feeling of missing someone or feeling nostalgic: saudade (f). That’s why this translation is interesting.

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  5. Camila Almeida on Sep 28, 2012 Reply

    Can be ‘Sinto a sua falta’ or ‘Estou com saudades’.

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  6. Rômulo Felipe on Oct 05, 2012 Reply

    The third sentence are incorrect. Do not say “Será sinto saudades de você quando você sumiram”, you say “Será que sentirei saudades de você quando você sumir?”

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