1 Translations

How do you say Miss You in Dutch?

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What is the Dutch Translation of miss you?

Miss you converted into Dutch is: "Ik mis je". Trying to learn Dutch? Here are some sentences using Ik mis je.

How to use Miss you in a sentence:

  • I need you to know that I care and I miss you.
  • Ik moet u weten dat ik de zorg en ik mis je. (Dutch translation)
  • Then I realized that it was my heart telling me that I miss you.
  • Toen realiseerde ik me dat het mijn hart me te vertellen dat ik mis je was. (Dutch translation)
  • I miss you when you are not around.
  • Ik mis je wanneer u niet rond bent. (Dutch translation)
  • I miss you mom after I moved out of the house.
  • Ik mis je moeder nadat ik ging het huis uit. (Dutch translation)
  • Will I miss you when you are gone?
  • Zal ik mis je wanneer u weg bent? (Dutch translation)

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Alright, that's how you say miss you in Dutch. Im actually still learning to speak the language so these exercises are really helping me. What do you think? Could you say 'miss you' a different way? If you spot a mistake, please take a moment to add your own sample translations.

1 Translations

  1. Kenneth on May 04, 2011 Reply

    Come on people, this can't be the only way to say Ik mis je..

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