3 Translations

How do you say Merry Christmas in Chinese?

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How to Translate Merry Christmas in Chinese

We hear from a lot of readers having trouble with Chinese. The easiest way to say Merry Christmas in Chinese is ‘圣诞快乐’.

How to use Merry christmas in a sentence:

  • Have you ever wondered why Merry Christmas, rather than Happy Christmas is applied as a Christmas greeting?
  • 您是否曾想为什么圣诞快乐,而不是一种快乐的圣诞节用作圣诞贺卡? (Chinese translation)
  • Merry Christmas is typically followed by someone saying and a Happy New Year!
  • 圣诞通常跟着有人说,新年快乐 ! (Chinese translation)
  • Wish you a Merry Christmas and Blessings for the New Year.
  • 祝你圣诞和新年的祝福。 (Chinese translation)
  • Want to place a sign on your front door that tells the world Merry Christmas?
  • 想要告诉世界你家的门上放置标志圣诞快乐吗? (Chinese translation)
  • I want to wish all my friends over seas a Merry Christmas!
  • 我要祝我的朋友们匆匆圣诞快乐(Chinese translation)

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3 Translations

  1. Cameron on Apr 27, 2011 Reply

    My teacher says Merry Christmas in Chinese is 圣诞快乐.. Ex:我只被需要,希望每一个人,这个地球上一个非常愉快的圣诞节 !

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  2. Pauline Thurston on Apr 30, 2011 Reply

    Beats me.. i flunked Chinese

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  3. hujia3cai on Dec 29, 2011 Reply

    –(je suis chinois, I’m chinese)

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