1 Translations

How do you say Cute in German?

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How to say cute in German

German translations are perhaps the most common thing people ask about on this site. The best way to say cute in German is "niedlich".

How to use Cute in a sentence:

  • These cute puppies had been playing happily in a pen.
  • Diese niedlichen Welpen waren fröhlich spielen in einem Stift. (German translation)
  • Our cute panda loves to have his photo taken.
  • Unsere cute Panda liebt es, seine Foto aufgenommen haben. (German translation)
  • Cute is everywhere if you get the time to glance.
  • Cute ist überall, wenn Sie die Zeit, um einen Blick erhalten. (German translation)
  • You are the so cute I could eat you.
  • Sie sind die so süß ich konnte Essen Sie. (German translation)
  • When I think of cute I do not think of you!
  • When I of cute Think glaube ich nicht von Ihnen! (German translation)

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Ok, so there you go. Those translations should get you started. Im actually still learning to read and write German so these exercises are really helping me. Hope I got it right. Is cute the right translation? If you see any translations that need correcting please post your comments in the box below.

1 Translations

  1. Kenneth Powell on Apr 28, 2011 Reply

    Looking at another site I discovered one other example sentence:
    She is as cute as a button.

    "Sie ist so niedlich, wie eine Schaltfläche."

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