2 Translations

How do you say Cute in Dutch?

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How do you Translate cute in Dutch?

We get a lot of posts about this. This one is not too complicated. 'cute' in Dutch is usually translated to schattig. OK, let's see how this translation works in a sentence.

How to use Cute in a sentence:

  • These cute puppies had been playing happily in a pen.
  • Deze schattige puppies speelde al gelukkig in een pen. (Dutch translation)
  • Our cute panda loves to have his photo taken.
  • Onze schattige panda houdt van zijn foto genomen. (Dutch translation)
  • Cute is everywhere if you get the time to glance.
  • Cute is everywhere if you get the time to glance. (Dutch translation)
  • You are the so cute I could eat you.
  • U bent de zo schattig ik kon je opeten. (Dutch translation)
  • When I think of cute I do not think of you!
  • Als ik denk aan schattig Ik denk niet dat van jullie! (Dutch translation)

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2 Translations

  1. Donald D on Apr 26, 2011 Reply

    I came across a note down at the parking lot that read: "Ze is zo schattig als een knop." I think it's Dutch. I could understand cute (schattig), but couldn't read the rest.

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    • Sophia Sive Bijkerk on Sep 04, 2012 Reply

      It literally means “as cute as a button” But it is not a common dutch expression more a literal translation of the English one. But yes cute is “schattig”

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