1 Translations
How do you say Swimming in Spanish?
Asked by: Donald Mello 7440 views
How do you Translate swimming into Spanish
'swimming' in Spanish can be translated as 'Natación'.
How to use Swimming in a sentence:
- Swimming is the movement of humans and other animals move by way of water.
- La natación es el movimiento de los seres humanos y otros animales mover de agua. (Spanish translation)
- Swimming should be taught by a qualified lifeguard in controlled atmosphere.
- Natación debe enseñarse por un salvavidas calificado en atmósfera controlada. (Spanish translation)
- There are a hand full of people that helped swimming become a well known sport.
- Hay un puñado de personas que ayudó a nadar a convertirse en un deporte conocido. (Spanish translation)
- Swimming can be a great workout with zero impact.
- Natación puede ser un gran entrenamiento con cero impacto. (Spanish translation)
- I was swimming the other day and did 15 laps of the pool.
- Estaba nadando el otro día y me hizo 15 vueltas de la piscina. (Spanish translation)
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