Asked by: laura 5604 views mexican wictch doctor, spanish
Invisible Eye on Aug 05, 2011 Reply
In my experience, the most common term is “brujo” which generically means “witch” and can be associated with shamanic/healer types of practicioners as well as practicioners with darker, less-than-benevloent intentions. A witch doctor can also be referred to as a “curandero,” which implies that they’re more of a healer, or as a “santero” when referring to a practicioner of Santeria, specifically.
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mariah on Aug 05, 2011 Reply
Raul Reyna on Feb 11, 2013 Reply
Invisible eye is 100% correct
Joan Kemp on Feb 22, 2013 Reply
Masculine, el brujo. Feminine, la bruja. Brujo or bruja means witch. In Mexico, it is commonly used for a healer who uses supernatural means such as spells to effect healing, usually along with natural remedies and medicines that can be bought over the counter in Mexico, and sometimes other modalities as well.