4 Translations

How do you say Excellent in Danish?

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What is the Danish Translation of excellent?

excellent translated into Danish is: 'fremragende'. The best way to learn Danish is to use it in a sentence.

How to use Excellent in a sentence:

  • We are certain that all customers are satisfied with our excellent workmanship.
  • Vi er sikre på, at alle kunder er tilfredse med vores fremragende håndværk. (Danish translation)
  • They had excellent service at the hotel we stayed at and I would go back in a heart beat.
  • De havde fremragende service på hotel vi opholdt sig i, og jeg vil gå tilbage i et hjerteslag. (Danish translation)

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4 Translations

  1. Robert Haydon on May 13, 2011 Reply

    You are correct, excellent in Danish is fremragende. Here’s an example: “Jeg sælger en ny computer i udmærket stand.”

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  2. Jack Wang on May 15, 2011 Reply

    Thanks, found this page cause Im flying to Denmark shortly, i need to learn Danish!

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  3. Kristi on May 22, 2011 Reply

    I was talking to my uncle in Denmark, and they said that excellent in Danish is fremragende.

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  4. Kenneth Powell on May 22, 2011 Reply

    I used an online translator to convert this: before: “We are looking to recruit excellent teachers to make a difference in a child’s life.” after: Vi søger for at rekruttere fremragende lærere til at gøre en forskel i et barns liv.

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