1 Translations

How do you say Last Friday at 19h 00 Mr/Mrs was taken from the department of Business at Gonzaga. Last week she had discovered a big secret… that would change many futures. Someone stole the teacher’s password and USB. They hacked into the school computer and changed the marks of students in class for money. She was suspicious when the class average was 10% higher than any other class. Also, no student had a mark less than 75%. After finding more facts she learned who committed the crime. She was surprised she could not believe who it was! talked to the suspect and she said she had to tell the principal. This made the person mad….. mad enough to kidnap ! What had found? Join us on for more clues, mysteries and fun! The guilty will be revealed…! in French?

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Last Friday at 19h 00 Mr/Mrs was taken from the department of Business at Gonzaga. Last week she had discovered a big secret… that would change many futures. Someone stole the teacher’s password and USB. They hacked into the school computer and changed the marks of students in class for money. She was suspicious when the class average was 10% higher than any other class. Also, no student had a mark less than 75%. After finding more facts she learned who committed the crime. She was surprised she could not believe who it was! talked to the suspect and she said she had to tell the principal. This made the person mad….. mad enough to kidnap ! What had found? Join us on for more clues, mysteries and fun! The guilty will be revealed…!

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1 Translations

  1. bettina balmassiere on Mar 25, 2013 Reply

    Last Friday at 19h 00 Mr/Mrs was taken from the department of Business at Gonzaga.
    à Gonzaga,Vendredi dernier à 19 heures monsieur/madame X a été enlevé(e) / a disparu du departement des affaires.
    Last week she had discovered a big secret… that would change many futures.
    La semaine dernière elle avait découvert un terrible secret….pouvant changer l’avenir de beaucoup de personnes.
    Someone stole the teacher’s password and USB.
    Un individu avait dérobé le passeport et la clé usb d’un professeur.
    They hacked into the school computer and changed the marks of students in class for money.
    Ils avaient ensuite piraté l’ordinateur de l’école et ainsi changé les notes des élèves contre de l’argent.
    She was suspicious when the class average was 10% higher than any other class.
    Elle commença a douter lorsque la moyenne de la classe dépassa de 10 pourcents celle des autres classes,
    Also, no student had a mark less than 75%. et qu’aucun étudiant n’avait de note en dessous de 75%.
    After finding more facts she learned who committed the crime.
    Après avoir découvert d’autres preuves, elle comprit qui était le criminel.
    She was surprised she could not believe who it was!
    Elle fût si surprise qu’elle ne put croire de qui il s’agissait !
    talked to the suspect and she said she had to tell the principal.
    Elle lui parla et le menaça de tout révéler au principal (directeur).
    This made the person mad….. mad enough to kidnap !
    Cette menace rendit folle la personne…assez pour commettre un kidnapping!
    What had found? Join us on for more clues, mysteries and fun! The guilty will be revealed…!
    Qu’a-t-elle découvert ? rejoignez-nous pour plus de mystères, de preuves et de surprise (plaisir)! Le coupable sera démasqué…!

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