6 Translations

How do you say Call Me in French?

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How can I say call me in French?

The way to say call me in French is… Appelle-moi.

How to use Call me in a sentence:

  • I asked her to call me if she was interested.
  • Je lui ai demandé de m'appeler si elle était intéressée. (French translation)
  • Do not call me drunk again or I will delete you from my contacts.
  • N'appelez pas me bu encore une fois ou je vous supprimerez de mes contacts. (French translation)
  • She said to call me later, I just don't know if I am interested.
  • Elle dit à m'appeler plus tard, j'ai juste ne sais pas si je m'intéresse. (French translation)

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6 Translations

  1. Robert Haydon on May 15, 2011 Reply

    You may be right, i never took French. From what i’ve seen it looks good.

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  2. Jenn on May 19, 2011 Reply

    Hey everyone, are you sure this is the best way to say call me?

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    • Matthias B on May 21, 2011 Reply

      Oui. Or “Appelez-moi !” if you are not too familar with the person.

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  3. Sandra on May 20, 2011 Reply

    I wanted to share an example I discovered. ‘Appelez-moi si vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit du magasin.‘ from this in Engilsh: “Call me if you need anything from the store.

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  4. The Biglad on Dec 08, 2012 Reply


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  5. The Biglad on Dec 08, 2012 Reply


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